Adiam Dymott - Adiam Dymott (2009)
Adiam Dymott never really struggled to become an artist. She never felt the desperation that makes people sell their souls for 15 minutes of fame. Although music has been an important part of her life since day one she felt it was enough to listen to other people’s records. Perhaps there was a thought in the back of her head that one day she would enter the stage, but she was in no hurry.
Her dad used to listen to soul from the 60’s and when she started buying records herself she found the music she liked in the hip hop-section. The Notorious B.I.G and Wu-Tang Clan were a couple of favorites. At the same time she describes herself as being an “MTV-child”, listening to Nirvana and Garbage.
”A-d-i-a-m, the name of an African queen, that my mama she gave to me”
(”Mrs Dymott”)....
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