Birdpen - On Off Safety Danger (2009)


Not everyone enjoys driving headfirst at speed into a brick wall to test out the airbag of a stolen vehicle. That is because there is a voice somewhere inside, a survival instinct is what some call it, and its main interest is protecting us from danger and delivering us from evil.

The survival instinct warns us not to do things and go places we shouldn’t, it wants us to live and remain unblemished, but despite all its fine arguments very occasionally that side of our character loses out and we do something that puts our situation in jeopardy. When this happens, when the survival instinct has been overridden by some jackass notion that it’ll be okay to drive into the wall at high speed and that might even be FUN, the survival instinct has to watch ..less with the rest of its selves to see what will manifest as forces beyond its control determine whether on this occasion it will have future opportunity to worry, or not.

To my mind, BirdPen on their debut album On/Off/Safety/Danger (released October 2008) represent the sound of the survival instinct right before the whole shit comes crashing down and everything changes irreparably forever. Soothing, raging, always caring On/Off/Safety/Danger is acting out beyond the states of insecurity, paranoia and fear. They are dealing with dark forces and step up close to the void and look directly into the great abyss for all of humankind, and for the sheer hell of it.


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