Ladyhawke - Ladyhawke (2008)


Ladyhawke releases her eponymous debut album on Monday 22ndSeptember through Modular/Island Records on CD and LP. Its analbum that marries serious song crafting with elements ofvintage pop, electro and rock. Or as Pip puts it, I wanted tomake music that could put a smile on peoples faces and givethem a feeling of nostalgia even though they may be hearing mysongs for the first time.
Ladyhawke is the alter ego of New Zealander Pip Brown. As amusic-obsessed child with very musical parents (step-father adrummer, mother a singer), she soaked up everything from the70s and 80s. From Stevie Nicks and Joan Jett to Nirvana andHole with Van Halen and Deep Purple in between.The album includes forthcoming release Dusk Till Dawn whichwill be available from 15th September, and recent singleParis Is Burning.


Ladyhawke - My Delirium from benzoid on Vimeo.

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