Ralph Myerz - Ralphorama Appetite 4 Selfdestruction (2008)


Erlend Sellevold is the composer and electronic main man in Ralph Myerz and the Jack Herren Band (Emperor Norton/Rycodisc). Along the years with the Jack Herren Band, there where lots of material and ideas that didn’t quite fit with the RM&TJHB formula. This material was the starting point for the work on the solo-album Ralphorama. But it is far from a collection of leftovers and b-priority material. Quite the opposite! Erlend Sellevold has been working day and night with this album the last two years, breaking one deadline after another. And Ralphorama has become a tour de force of what Erlend Sellevold/Ralph Myerz stands for, a tour de force of an album with one masterpiece followed by the other!


My Darling

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