Kissogram - Rubber Meat (2009)
26.3.09 the meantime we had written new songs and created a concept for a new album. The new record was meant to be less playful. The sound should be very "rough", loud and powerful. We wanted to use less electronics, less computers. We wanted to press the offensiveness and the power of our live shows on a record.
The lyrical subject should be the look at the world from the bottom. How does a criminal jobless guy look at the moon ('Messiah'). How does an 18-year-old soldier lose his lust for war ('The Deserter'). How does it feel to work in a meat factory ('Rubber and Meat')? How much can you hate the people who never have to work in a meat factory ("Prominent Man").
We began to rehearse in a damp cellar in Kreuzberg. During every rehearsal we had to eat a cheeseburger from the Burgermeister at Schlesisches Tor. When we recorded the first takes of the new album, we realized that it would become very good. We realized, that the power we put into the record would not vanish in the depths of our mixer and our amps. Then we took the rudimental mixes and the well-prepared tracks to Stockholm. In Stockholm-Grondahl a little man sat in front of a big mixing desk. His name was Pelle Gunnerfeldt, he had produced bands like 'The Hives' or 'The International Noise Conspiracy' and now he chased our distorted guitars, our sick synth-sounds, Joe's animalistic drums and my vocals through his mixer and compressors. The result, our third album called 'Rubber and Meat' is going to be released on Louisville-Records again....
In the 'Musikerklause' on the Torstrasse we met the band 'Franz Ferdinand'. Shortly after we had a show together in Warsaw. Franz Ferdinand liked our concert and decided right away to play some shows with us in the near future. It happens that we will support them on their Europe tour in march. On the tour we will give everything that we have. We're still not professional enough to avoid partying and getting drunk on that tour. We will play every night until we're dead. And on the last day we will lay down in the sun of Granada.
For three days...
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